- February 4, 2023 6,781 views

The monthly cycle of a woman’s reproductive system is controlled by hormones and cycles of ovulation. This article will explore how your menstrual cycle can be used to improve your health and lifestyle. The menstrual cycle provides insight into nutritional needs, metabolic rates, athletic performance, body composition, and more importantly mental state. Here are some of the benefits of menstrual cycle exercise for women.
1. Lean Mass Gain and Fat Loss
Women also gain muscle during their menstrual cycle but in distinct patterns of distribution. During the first phase of your cycle, you are building lean mass as well as burning fat which means you will have a lower percentage of body fat while gaining lean muscle mass. This is great news for women because it provides a lot more confidence in the way they look at themselves in the mirror and how they feel about themselves in their minds.
2. Endorphin Release
Endorphins are molecules that your brain releases to block pain. They are made from the natural amino acid, phenylalanine. Studies have shown that endorphin levels change in response to exercise. One study showed that after a treadmill session, there was a jump in endorphins of up to 7 times above baseline levels.
3. Pheromone Production
Your menstrual cycle can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex by increasing pheromone production. Pheromones are odorless molecules that are released from our bodies to change the natural behaviors of others. During ovulation, women have increased testosterone and pheromone production. Some men can actually smell these pheromones but most cannot.
4. Catecholamine Secretion
Catecholamines are chemicals in our bodies that increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and the amount of energy we have. These are also responsible for the positive feelings we have during exercise. At ovulation, the body releases more catecholamines than usual so that exercise can be more intense and enjoyable.
Our bodies work in cycles so it makes sense that there are certain patterns to our health as well. By understanding these patterns as a woman, you can take advantage of them during your menstrual cycle to optimize your health and athletic performance levels.