- March 6, 2023 14,633 views

Riding on horseback is a great way to exercise, but it’s not always easy. The horse is often moving, and the rider has to keep up. There are a few tips to improve your fitness on horseback.
1) Keep in Motion
The biggest challenge for many riders is to maintain the horse’s pace. If you are struggling to keep up, try sitting farther back in the saddle. The horse will be able to maintain a slower pace. When riding, you should be making the horse work. The steps should be synchronized so that you are working with the horse, not against him. You won’t tire out as quickly if you are at one with the horse.
2) Focus on Your Breath
Breathing is important for keeping up your energy level and stamina. If you feel yourself getting fatigued, try inhaling and exhaling more deeply than usual. Take in more oxygen and conserve energy. Then, use those extra reserves to spur you on and keep your motions smooth and even.
3) Keep Muscles Tensed
Keeping your muscles tense can relieve pressure on joints, making it easier to ride. If you’ve ever noticed yourself slouching in the saddle, tell yourself to sit up straight. This will cause your abdominal muscles to tense up and make it easier for you to sit erect without pain.
4) Don’t Let Your Hands Drop
The point of riding is the feel of nature under the horse. If you let your hands drop, your control will diminish. Think of your hands as crutches. If you let them fall to the sides, you’ll lose valuable control over the saddle and the movement of your horse. To maintain good control and keep them in line with the rib cage, place them on your thighs as if you were supporting yourself on a narrow rail.
Riding uses a lot of muscles, so it’s important to stay in good shape. If you are using the right techniques and doing your best to stay in shape, you’ll be able to ride horseback for longer periods of time.